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How to install locally

Fast approach - Angular UI front end only

If you are primarily interested in the Angular UI development, without having to deal with the DSpace back-end, you can choose to only setup the UI components, and have them talk to the REST API of the public, demo rest api

These installation steps are outlined in the OR2018 Workshop or in README.md of the Angular UI project.

Full Approach - DSpace 7 backend + Angular UI Frontend

Please be aware that this all is work in progress and will change often. As we did not release any version (neither an alpha or beta version) yet, there is no stable state to which we can refer to. Nevertheless let us give you some short hints on what you can do to install your own local version:

How to contribute





Code Style



Creating a new component



State changes

DataServices and RemoteData objects

This gist shows how you would use it in practice: