
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:



  1. Fedora 4.7.1 release status
  2. Status of fcrepo-connector-file
  3. Import/Export sprint update
  4. New public Fedora calendar (iCal)
  5. Defining/Documenting the Fedora API with http://swagger.io/
  6. ...
  7. Status of "in-flight" tickets

Ticket Summaries

  1. Please squash a bug!

  2. Tickets resolved this week:

  3. Tickets created this week:


  1.   Feodra 4.7.1 release
  2. Unknown User (acoburn) pointed out fcrepo-vocabulary that represents various RDF vocabularies in Java.  It will be an alternative to our current flawed string-concatenation method.
  3. As A. Soroka moved the spec forward, some questions have come up...
  4. Nick Ruest thinks things are going "Very great"
    1. Summarized here... 2016-12 Import - Export Sprint 03 Meetings
    2. Is working with tool that validates exports as being identical to the repository content (Bethany Seeger's work)
    3. hopes to have real good progress on bag-it work by the end of next week.
  5. Andrew Woods glossed over this due to time, saying that "there is a calendar, it will be updated"
  6. Andrew Woods said this is interesting, we'll give it a look.
  7. Andrew Woods reported that there was a camp and would have encouraged folks int he meeting
    1. Kate reported on the meeting and her interest in a dev-ops interest group

      Andrew Woods will be offline until January