Test Environment


Composition of Resources


  1. Start Rails, Solr and Fedora using the Rake task:

    bundle exec rake hydra:server

    Resulting java command:

    java -Dfcrepo.log.http.api=WARN -Dfcrepo.log.kernel=ERROR \
      -Dfcrepo.home=tmp/fcrepo4-development-data \ 
      -Dfcrepo.spring.jms.configuration=file:///.../spring-noop.xml \
      -jar .../fcrepo-webapp-4.7.0-jetty-console.jar \
      -Xmx512m --headless --port 8984
  2. Create resources using Plum, attaching and ordering files.

  3. Download 0.1.0 import/export jar
    1. Create the directory plum/tmp/export and put export.jar in that directory.
  4. Create sample Bag metadata config file:
    1. Create the file plum/tmp/export/metadata.yml:

        Source-Organization: Princeton University Library
        Organization-Address: One Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544-2098 USA
        Contact-Name: Esme Cowles
        Contact-Phone: +16092581470
        Contact-Email: escowles@princeton.edu

Test 0 - Initial Export

  1. Advance an object into the Metadata Review workflow state, and the object should be exported by a background job.

Test 0 Conclusions

  1. Metadata was exported, but external content was not retrieved.
  2. I updated the import-export utility to have an option to retrieve external content instead of creating placeholders for it (see https://github.com/fcrepo4-labs/fcrepo-import-export/pull/74).

Test 1 - Export With External Content

  1. Repeated Test 0, using an export.jar file built from the master branch after #74 was merged.

Test 1 Conclusions

  1. Metadata and external content were both exported.