I think we need an updated equivalent of the DSpace Course which was published by Stuart Lewis in 2008: http://cadair.aber.ac.uk/dspace/handle/2160/615 . The actual manuals for DSpace contain too much technical information for those local repository managers who are not technical database admins.  I think perhaps a wiki would be a good format for a new set of documentation, complementary to the DSpace manual, aimed at people who want to be able to manage Collections and submissions. The team running Edinburgh DataShare (DSpace 5.2 at the time of writing), of which I am a member, has already gathered some documentation of this kind on our own wiki: https://www.wiki.ed.ac.uk/display/datashare/DataShare . Of course, that contains some information specific to our local configuration. I intend to use this Space to start putting together a DSpace handbook for curators in wiki form, with the hope that others will help me to make it complete, up-to-date and applicable for most DSpace installations.