DuraSpace Membership Newsletter
May 22, 2017


I am looking forward to seeing many of you at upcoming meetings and events near and far.

Thank you to renewing members of DuraSpace, and a warm welcome to new members ETH Zurich, ETH Library, Drexel University Libraries, and the German National Library of Science and Technology/Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB).

Congratulations and best wishes to DuraSpace Board President Laura Wood who will begin her role as AUL for Research and Education at Harvard on July 18. She 

Strategic refresh at recent staff retreat we discussed several significant ideas of interest to our members:

Warm regards,

Debra Hanken Kurtz


(please add bullet points to expand on for each project)





We are pleased to welcome new DuraCloud customer the Denver Art Museum.

ArchivesDirectDSpaceDirect, and DuraCloud services from DuraSpace are built on solid open source software platforms and require very little effort to start up. DuraSpace staff experts work directly with service customers to provide personalized on-boarding processes and superb customer support. Our services can provide open access to institutional resources, preservation of treasured collections, and simplified data management tools. Contact customersupport@duraspace.org to learn more about any of the web services DuraSpace offers.

WHERE WE'LL BE (please update)

ELAG2017, June 6,  David Wilcox, Fedora Bootcamp
OR2017, June 26-30, Debra Hanken Kurtz, Tim Donohue, Andrew Woods, David Wilcox, Mike Conlon, Graham Triggs
SAA Archives 2017July 23-29, Heather Greer Klein
VIVO2017, Aug 2-4, Debra Hanken Kurtz, Mike Conlon, Graham Triggs