Scope: Overview of what ISNI is and how to use the ISNI web interface

Creator:  Mary Jane Cuneo, Karen Carlson Young


What is INSI?

International Standard Name Identifier—an ISO (International Standards Organization) standard developed as a global identification system of Public Identities of Parties. It identifies millions of contributors to creative works and those active in their distribution, incl. writers, artists, creators, researchers, publishers, and more.

ISNI is not an authority file!

ISNI is a significantly different approach than that used for authority control in which we establish and maintain consistent forms of terms—names, subjects, titles—to be used as headings in the bib records of the library catalog. There, headings must not only be consistent, they must also be unique. The bibliographic information is organized using a single distinct spelling of a heading—which is “authorized” or established in one particular form and applied consistently.

Creating an ISNI is quite a different experience from what we are familiar with as catalogers. Generally when creating a local or NACO authority we are basing the authority on a resource in hand, but that is not necessarily true when creating an ISNI. We might not have anything in hand and in many cases the names we are working with are primarily outside the library silo, in term of the material we work on.

Another difference is the milieu (peer sources)—ISNI contributors are not only other libraries but also property rights organization, publishers, information aggregators, etc.) so we are placed in a much larger/global  environment.

It is important to remember that because ISNI is not an authority file, we are not trying to create a unique access point but an identity so different forms of name are gathered together under a single record for the appropriate identity, including multiple forms of the same preferred name and/or variants.

What is an ISNI?

ISNI identifies public identities of parties:

Note that ISNIs identify the Public Identities of Parties such as author, composers, cartographers, performers, academic/scientific authors, publishers, etc. ISNI does not include works/expressions, subjects.

ISNI=16 digit number (including check digit)

How do you get an ISNI?

There are two levels of records:

Whether the ISNI receives Assigned status or not depends in large part on a complex algorithm that takes into account the:

See also ISNI Data Quality Policy.

The more information you can add the more likely you are to get an assigned ISNI!

Note that the majority of records in the ISNI production database have a status of provisional, most commonly because there are no matches with records from other sources, or there may be too many matches. Potential matches need to be reviewed (manually) before upgraded to Assigned status.

Where does the ISNI data come from?

ISNI data comes primarily from the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) database. VIAF contains name authority work carried out by agencies worldwide, many of which are national libraries (over 40), but there are non-VIAF contributors to ISNI as well.


Within ISNI there are 3 primary views or databases:

***Need to talk about accept vs production.

ISNI Web Interface

See How to use the ISNI web portal. For more detailed information, continue below:

Logging on

Name: XXXX

PW: XXXXXXXX (to be provided by Harvard)

First time use: brings you to a screen that most likely will present with browser security warning. This can be ignored. Go to Advanced/make exception in browser settings (you should only have to do this once)

What you’ll see

The first screen is a Search screen. Notice also other tabs for Results (of your search)

Advanced (shows other search options with filters for different combinations of search terms—note drop-down menus under each)

Help: offers detailed information about the search options and how best to use them. Also offers explanation of the search terms in the drop-down menu (APH, CN, etc.)


See How to use the ISNI web portal. For more detailed information, continue below:

Search terms

It can be helpful to experiment with the searching options on your own to get an idea of different results based on different search terms/combinations. See also ISNI Search: Guidelines and Examples:

Search results are sorted by relevance; for example: Results for John Huston:

Note: Results display 10 per screen/click on next to see remaining results in the search

More information

For additional information about the names in the list go to the Filter box: Click on the + and see:

Click on a name: the record displays with Labels. Also look at:

Of interest

ISNI is designed to uniquely identify, it is not intended to provide access to comprehensive information about a public identity. It can provide links to sources where detailed information is held, and provides a link for occurrences of the public identity across databases on the web.

Creating a new record

See How to use the ISNI web portal. For more detailed information, continue below:

Avoid duplicates

Do a thorough search to avoid creating a duplicate. Perform the search several ways.

Note! fairly extensive searching may be part of the process: Google search, IMDb, or other resources depending on where the name is coming from


Option to add an identity for an organization or for a person/fictional character. Select Person template

Name: enter the name you are creating

Names should be as complete as possible where information is available (forenames preferred over initials). If you have a pseudonym, enter that in the Surname box.



Creation Class (defines the repertoire such as musical, a-v, textural similar to RDA’s content type. Some examples are given if you hover over the “i” information icon, but according to the ISNI data element values document creation class is not yet defined; the default is “cre” BUT it is an optional field and most of us are choosing not to enter any value in this field.)

Creation Role (such as author, performer, publisher, illustrator): use the drop-down menu which is fairly comprehensive, for the HFA project there are numerous options in addition to director, such as film director, film producer, etc.

Work: Titles of works created by person (as found in the source):

Name Variant: Additional names as found in source

Related person: co-authors, co-performers, real names, collaborators, etc.

Relation: is related

Relationship type: choose from drop-down list

Related organization: if person is affiliated or member of or otherwise related

Language, Gender, Nationality: optional

External Information and Notes: You can add outside sources such as a website in the Information Box, with an indication of the source such as Wikipedia and the URL to the source providing a link to more detailed information about the Public Identity.

General note: messages for the ISNI quality team, such as information that should be deleted from a record, records that should be merged or separated: i.e. challenge the algorithm….

When completed, click SAVE Changes. (Not necessary to Save after adding information in each tab)



And you have created a record!

Enhancing a record

See How to use the ISNI web portal. For more detailed information, continue below:

What is enhancing a record:

How to enhance another institution's record

  1. Find existing record created by other source
  2. Check record status: provisional/assigned
  3. Add source (XXXX) and the Name; Save
  4. Add its web page as additional information, for example

How to enhance your institution's record

  1. Find existing XXXX-created record 
  2. Add a Relationship  (Related; Relationship Type);  Save

How to create links between records

  1. Find existing record > (Related; Relationship)
  2. Add relationship
    1. search; compare/choose; add see also or colleague/collaborator relationship; link); Save

Identify and report problems and duplicates

There are four ways possible duplicates can arise:

  1. Your search results list contains a possible duplicate in ISNI, and ISNI has flagged it for comparison
  2. Your search results list contains an obvious duplicate in ISNI, but ISNI has not flagged it
    1. make a General Note on the External Info & Notes tab of the duplicate record: "Please merge with [isni #]," which generates an email message to the ISNIQT
  3. Your search results list may contain a duplicate but you’re not sure 
    1. make a General Note on the External Info & Notes tab of the duplicate record: "Please merge with [isni #]," which generates an email message to the ISNIQT
  4. When you create a new record, the ISNI algorithm sees a possible duplicate and presents it to you 
    1. click Compare, and decide, as per earlier example and instructions in Guide (***Amy find link)

Also make a General note when you have found a mixed identity (names of different persons in one ISNI record), or another error you wish to see corrected. 

See also & documentation

ISNI Documentation