

(plus) (facilitator)
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  1. Open PRs  ...ready to go?
    1. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/154
    2. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/155
    3. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/156
    4. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/158
  2. Establishing a plan for landing this effort by Nov 2017
    1. How do we want to systematically approach spec revision?
    2. Test compatibility suite
    3. Aligning Fedora4 with the specification
    4. At least one other implementation of the specification
      1. Cavendish discussion
  3. Option for implementation of test suite - contractors
    1. Contractors have been contacted and are interested... even if Python
    2. Define initial scope of work
  4. Follow-up on: https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/issues/111
    1. Deletion-related issues
  5. Branding as Core Specification https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/issues/122
  6. Respec license


Action Items