As a part of the new governance model, DuraSpace officially launched a Board-Member-at-Large position in March 2015.

The DuraSpace Board of Directors plays a key role in setting the strategic direction and priorities of the DuraSpace non-profit organization. Previously, board members have been nominated and elected by the sitting board members. Along with the transition to a membership-based organization, it was decided that there would be one (1) community elected DuraSpace board member, called the Board-Member-at-Large, who would be nominated by the community and elected by DuraSpace Members.

DuraSpace Organization Board of Directors Role
The Board of Directors works with the DuraSpace CEO, Debra Hanken Kurtz, helping to set the strategic direction and priorities of the DuraSpace non-profit organization. The responsibilities include:

Board members serve for a term of 2 years beginning in July of the first year and ending at the end of June 2 years later.  There are 4 meetings a year, 2 in-person meetings (usually in June & November) and additional conference call meetings as needed.

Board-Member-at-Large Nomination
In MONTH, anyone in the community, DuraSpace members or non-member, may nominate an individual who would be a good representative of the community. All nominees must be from DuraSpace member organizations ( Board-Member-at-Large candidates should be at the senior management level at their organizations, and have fiscal and staffing responsibility. And of course, they would, in your judgment, be able to bring the commitment, creativity, and dedication that the role calls for. Self-nominations are welcome and more than one nomination may be submitted during the nomination phase. 

Board-Member-at-Large Election
At the end of the nomination process individuals nominated will be asked to confirm their interest in serving and to submit a brief personal statement. Nominees and personal statements will be made available on the wiki.  The election will take place in MONTH, with each Member organization’s Community Liaison casting a vote based on the direction of their management. 

If you have any questions about the Board-Member-at-Large nomination and election process please contact Kristi Searle, Community Relations Coordinator.