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  1. Merge policy updates
  2. PRs to review
    1. pr-183: awaiting Benjamin Armintor and merge conflicts (pr-194)
    2. pr-188: was there concern about the need to create a resource to determine versioning support? Related:
      1. issue-185
      2. issue-186
      3. issue-187
    3. pr-189: awaiting Daniel Lamb and Benjamin Armintor
    4. pr-190: awaiting Daniel Lamb and Benjamin Armintor
    5. pr-191: awaiting Daniel Lamb and Benjamin Armintor
    6. pr-193: awaiting Daniel Lamb and Benjamin Armintor and Simeon Warner
  3. Authorization issues
    1. issue-176 resolved-needs pr
    2. issue-175: clarify SOLIDWEBAC's position, and whether it is satisfied by virtue of being LDP-RS
    3. #172 remains open
    4. #170 thumbs and comments
    5. acl:accessToClass issue-165 
    6. acl:default instead of acl:default for new resolved (solid) issue-164
  4. Versioning Issues
    1. issue-130: awaiting merge of pr-189
    2. issue-187: simeon doesn't understand suggestion so far (and doesn't like probes that change repo content), awaiting merge of pr-193
    3. issue-186: awaiting merge of pr-193
    4. issue-185: awaiting merge of pr-188
    5. we need to run the 2-step process for detecting versioning model past middleware implementers


Action Items