

(plus) (facilitator)
(star) (notetaker)


  1. PRs to review
  2. Authorization issues
    1. issue-164: acl:default instead of acl:defaultForNew resolved (solid) – closed with #201
    2. issue-165: Removing support for acl:accessToClass?
      1. Agreement to retain acl:accessToClass
    3. issue-166: Requiring WebIDs?
      1. resolved with pr-199
    4. issue-167: Requiring acl:agentGroup?
      1. trivial, just needs a PR
    5. issue-168: Cross-domain Authorization?
      1. Needs a PR
    6. issue-170: Require acl:Append and acl:Control
      1. Needs discussion on what this would mean in practice
    7. issue-172: Clarify algorithm for finding authorizations
      1. Pending clarification from Solid
    8. issue-175: Should we say default ACL MUST be resolvable?
      1. resolved with pr-198 - needs attention
    9. issue-176: ACL creation and linking -- be explicitly silent or specify?
      1. Needs attention
  3. Other issues:
    1. issue-149: Creating content from external resources
      1. Resolved?


Action Items
