Version 6.2

DSpace 6.2 is not yet released, but will be available for testing at the week of Aug 21-25. Assuming the testing goes well, we hope to release 6.2 in late August or very early September.

DSpace 6.2 contains important performance improvements and database connection (Hibernate) enhancements which resolve several bugs in either 6.0 or 6.1. To ensure your 6.x site is performant, we highly recommend ALL DSpace 6.x users upgrade to DSpace 6.2.

DSpace 6.2 upgrade instructions are available at: Upgrading DSpace


DSpace 6.2 is a bug fix release to resolve several issues located in previous 6.x releases. As it only provides only bug fixes, DSpace 6.2 should constitute an easy upgrade from DSpace 6.x for most users. No database changes or additional configuration changes should be necessary when upgrading from DSpace 6.x to 6.2.

Major bug fixes include:

For more information, see the Changes section below.

Upgrade Instructions

No new features in DSpace 6.2

6.2 is a bug-fix only release. This means it includes no new features and only includes the below listed fixes.

For a list of all new 6.x Features, please visit the 6.x Release Notes.


The following bug fixes were released in 6.2.


Organizational Details

Release Coordination

Timeline and Proceeding

Release Timeline: