

(plus) (facilitator)
(star) (notetaker)

Agenda & Minutes

  1. Review of recently closed issues:
  2. Revisit strictness of requirements for external content, recursive deletion, client-specified ACLs, etc.
  3. Authorization issues
    1. issue-165: Removing support for acl:accessToClass?
      1. Wait on response to https://github.com/solid/web-access-control-spec/issues/22
      2. CLAW only uses ACLs for very basic partitioning of drupal instances
    2. issue-166: Requiring WebIDs?
      1. PR: https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/207 — needs review from Andrew, Ben, Danny, Simeon
    3. issue-168: Cross-domain Authorization?
      1. PR: https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/208 — needs review from Andrew, Ben, Simeon
    4. issue-170: Require acl:Append and acl:Control
      1. PR: https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/206 — needs review from Andrew, Ben
    5. issue-172: Clarify algorithm for finding authorizations
      1. Still pending clarification from Solid
    6. issue-176: ACL creation and linking -- be explicitly silent or specify?
      1. PR: https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/pull/214 — needs review from Andrew, Ben, Danny
  4. Versioning issues:
    1. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/issues/215 — clarifying creation of versions with PUT
    2. Other versioning questions from API Alignment sprint: Versioning/Authorization Design
  5. External content issues:
    1. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/issues/210: Clarify "expires" parameter
    2. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/issues/211: Clarify response when copying remote content
  6. Notifications section:
    1. Esmé and Danny to review and create issues
  7. Fixity section:
    1. Simeon to review and create issues

Action Items