Please note that this page describe activities still undergoing. The final solution could differ also a lot from what described here

Before DSpace 7 two main files were used to configure the submission process

With the switch to DSpace 7 we have decided to revise the concept behind the submission process, as we want to provide a RESTful application and a single-page UI experience (Angular) we don't want to enforce any more the concept of multi-steps wizard in the submission. For such reason we are replacing "Steps" and "Pages" in the above files with a more abstract concept of section that will be rendered by the UIs build on top of the REST API in unpredictable different ways: as panels in the default proposal for the angular UI, maybe as tabs or subsequent pages in custom UIs.

The item-submission.xml

The high-level structure is unchanged, the main difference are:

As each page of the old input-forms now is become a different "step" in the item-submission.xml the item-submission.xml file now manage which metadata are avaialble when a submission is done in a specific collection via the submission-map

The input-forms.xml (now submission-forms.xml)

To reflect the big changes in the file structure and purpose we have renamed the file in submission-forms.xml.

At the highest level the changes are:

The value-pairs element now automatically define authorities when the value-pair is referenced by a form > fields > field > input-type without the need to manually register the authority in the dspace.cfg