
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:



  1. 4.7.5 release - Planning for week of January, 15th 2018
  2. Fedora 5.0.0 and PairTrees / AppleTrees
  3. Tickets requiring attention
    1. - Bethany Seeger
      1. Any more discussion needed here?  If a mimetype goes in, it should come out at the very least. 
      2. Bethany Seeger suggested an alternative implementation: https://github.com/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/pull/1272#issuecomment-353173508 that would move the check closer to the HTTP layer
      3. Ralf Claussnitzer: Sounds reasonable. HTTP servers should respond with BAD REQUEST if given an unparsable mime type string.  Should the repository layer check again?
    2. - Ralf Claussnitzer to explore?
    3. - Ben Pennell to explore?
  4. ...
  5. Tickets In-Review

Ticket Summaries

  1. Please squash a bug!

  2. Tickets resolved this week:

  3. Tickets created this week:
