General Notes

Active Fedora (should work for most Hydra gems)

Run Solr and Fedora in separate windows:

$ echo "version: $VERSION" >> lib/generators/active_fedora/config/fedora/templates/fcrepo_wrapper_test.yml
$ solr_wrapper -n hydra-test  -p 8985
$ fcrepo_wrapper --version $VERSION -p 8986

Run Solr and Fedora in the test application that is built using Engine Cart:Sufia, Curation Concerns, and Hyrax (should work for most Hydra engines)

$ bundle exec rake engine_cart:regenerate
$ cd .internal_test_app
$ echo "version: $VERSION" >> config/fcrepo_wrapper_test.yml
$ bundle exec rake hydra:test_server

(should also work for most Hydra apps)

Run Solr and Fedora in the main application:

$ echo "version: $VERSION" >> config/fcrepo_wrapper_test.yml
$ rake hydra:test_server