
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star) Indicating note-taker

Discussion items

  1. Tickets discussed last week

      1. Reopened, pending response to GitHub comments
  2. FYI, steps in closing JIRA tickets
    1. Squash-merge in GitHub
      1. Ensure that merge commit comment does not include trivial notes (e.g. Removed whitespace)
      2. Ensure that merge commit contains link to JIRA ticket (e.g. Resolves with <link-to-jira-ticket>)
    2. Close JIRA ticket
      1. Change status to Fixed
      2. Add link to GitHub commit in JIRA comment
      3. Select next release for appropriate project for Fix Version
  3. Review and testing needed

      1. Was Closed, moved to In-Review
      2. Pull requests have not been reviewed/merged

      1. Was Closed, moved to In-Review
      2. Pull requests have not been reviewed/merged
  4. Outcomes from March 1st project strategy meeting
    1. Product Evolution task force
    2. Vision and Mission task force
    3. Governance and Organization task force
    4. Defining the Community task force
    5. Resources task force
  5. Sprint topics
    1. What defines the 1.10 release?
      1. What remains to be done?
  6. Cloning a VIVO installation
    1. Moving your VIVO Instance
    2. Backup and Restore
  7. ...

Draft notes in Google-Doc

Discussion items

Action items

Recent JIRA Tickets

    1. Tickets created in the last 30 days:

    2. Tickets resolved in the last 30 days:

    3. Bugs