Here is a partial list of DSpace-CRIS users around the world. If you are a DSpace-CRIS user and your institution is not listed below, please add it and jump into the community! Your experience will be valuable for all other organizations that are using it or interested in it, and you will have the chance of getting in contact to develop new projects together. The list also includes DSpace-GLAM users. The number of DSpace-CRIS and GLAM installations is growing steadily worldwide:

University of Hong Kong, China,

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China,

Education University of Hong Kong, China,

National University of Singapore, Singapore, 

National Institute of Education, Singapore,

Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia (ongoing project)

Kuwait University, Kuwait (ongoing project)

Durban University of Technology, South Africa,

Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia (ongoing project)

National Scientific Library of Georgia, Georgia (ongoing project for multiple institutions)

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus,

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany (reserved access, see presentation:

Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg, Germany,

University of Goettingen, Germany (ongoing project)

Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg, Germany (ongoing project)

Fachhochschule Burgenland, Austria,

University of Novi Sad, Serbia (ongoing project)

FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Switzerland (ongoing project)

University College Dublin, Ireland, (ongoing migration)

euroCRIS, The Netherlands,

Portal de la Recerca de les Universitats de Catalunya, Spain,

Universitat de Barcelona, Spain,

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain,

University of Coimbra, Portugal, (ongoing migration to DSpace-GLAM)

University of Coimbra, Portugal, (ongoing migration)

National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology, Italy,

University of Trieste, Italy

UnityFVG - United Universities of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy,

University of Turin, Italy (ongoing project)

University of Siena, Italy (ongoing project)

Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, Italy (ongoing project)

National Institute of Astrophysics, Italy (ongoing project)

National Library of Naples, Italy (ongoing migration to DSpace-GLAM)

Fondazione Feltrinelli, Italy (ongoing pilot with DSpace-GLAM)

IRIS (based on DSpace-CRIS), 68 installations in Italy: