Sprint Goals

(NOTE: Currently these goals are very high-level. They need to be broken down into specific tasks / tickets prior to the Sprint, so that those tickets are claimable by individuals.)

  1. Alphabetic jump to (specific letter) in results listing (NOTE: Below browse tasks have a dependency on this feature.  Should we do this prior to the sprint?)
    1. E.g. Jump to a Title / Author starting with a specific letter or string, like http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/browse?type=title
  2. Build out Administrative Search/Browse tools (each of these tools is limited to Site Administrators)
    1. Find Item by Internal Item ID/Item Handle  (e.g. XMLUI: http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/item , JSPUI: http://demo.dspace.org/jspui/tools/edit-item)
    2. Browse Withdrawn Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/withdrawn , JSPUI: http://demo.dspace.org/jspui/dspace-admin/withdrawn)
    3. Browse Private Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/private , JSPUI: http://demo.dspace.org/jspui/dspace-admin/privateitems)
  3. Improve developer documentation / getting up-to-speed documentation.

UI Tasks

These are somewhat lower level than the goals above, in order to get an idea of the effort required, but need more detail before they can be turned in to github issues

Alphabetic jump to (specific letter) in results listing

Build out Administrative Search/Browse tools (each of these tools is limited to Site Administrators)

Find Item by Internal Item ID/Item Handle
Browse Withdrawn Items (by Title)
Browse Private Items (by Title)