
Steering Group Members

Julia Trimmer,  Andi Ogier,  Lauren GalaEric Meeks,  Alex ViggioDong Joon (DJ) Lee,  Mark NewtonPaul Albert (star)Mike Conlon

(star)= note taker

Project Staff

debra hanken kurtzAndrew Woods


Dean B. Krafft

Connection Information

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,7071785624# or +16699006833,,7071785624#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID: 707 178 5624
International numbers available:


  1. Updates from Mike
    1. Mike will use for email and Google Docs. will be forwarded.  Hopefully minimal disruption.
    2. Mike will give an invited talk at the inaugural meeting of the Association for Data, Information, and Society in Nanjing China.  July 4-6, 2018.  They will pay expenses. Ying Ding (Indiana) is organizing.
    3. Michele and Mike had calls this week with University of Münster, Humboldt University.
    4. VIVO Camp next week at UCSD.  Mike ConlonPaul AlbertVioleta IlikBenjamin Gross instructors.  7 attendees.
    5. VIVO sprint April 24-May 3.  Muhammad Javed (Cornell) leading. Do we need more developers? Do we need testing volunteers on VIVO 1.9.2?
    6. RDA Berlin.  Trip report here: 2018-03-21 Trip Report -- 11th RDA Plenary, Berlin, Germany
  2. Discussion: Membership drive (Mike, Julia)
  3. Update on action planning groups (Julia)
  4. DuraSpace Summit breakouts on Wednesday April 11 (Mike, Julia)
  5. MOU on the Steering Group Google folder (Julia)


Action Items