Call in details:




Sprint 1

  1. Commit/availability
  2. Roles
    1. Developers
      1. Fedora
      2. Compatibility Test Suite
    2. Testers
      1. Fedora PRs
      2. Compatibility Test Suite
    3. Code Reviewers
    4. Documenters
  3. Protocols
    1. Stand ups
    2. Code contribution 
      1.  Guide for New Developers
  4. Meeting schedule for the rest of the sprint
  5. Getting started
    1. Themes
    2. Roles
    3. Sprint Board
      1. Three other views:  
        1. All backlog
        2. Easy
        3. Medium
        4. Hard
      2. JIRAs remaining to be fleshed out
      3. JIRAs to be tackled first
    4. Initial partitioning of work