MyDSpace page

During login, if the user is not yet related with a Researcher Page, the application looks for a match based on the current user’s email or ORCID; The system could be also configured to accept other rules for matching, see

if a match is found, the application automatically connects the user with the RP with the same email or ORCID;

If the user can’t be related with a Researcher Page, in the MyDSpace page a list of possible matches is showed; the application search by full name (or at least by last name) to retrieve these matches. This query could be filtered changing the configuration, see

Researcher Profile page

The "claim" button appears if the following  conditions are met (all in logical AND):

1.     claim enabled by configuration: in cris.cfg ( [dspace]/modules/cris.cfg)




Activate/deactivate the claim profile; default is false = claim inactive

2.     current user has no right to edit the RP (see also CRIS delegate admin)

3.     Researcher Profile isn’t related with an EPerson

4.     the current user hasn’t a Researcher Profile

We introduced a new configuration feature within cris.cfg to declare the name of the group containing users allowed to perform directly the claim (e.g. = self-claim-rp). Therefore, if the current user is part of "self-claim-rp" group, after clicking on the “claim” button the system will claim the Researcher Page, otherwise the Researcher Page is not claimed and the system performs actions, according to user's authorizations.

1) logged users:

if the logged user is not a member of the “self-claim-rp” the system will show a button to send an email to the administrator if there isn’t email and orcid available on the Researcher Profile or only orcid is missing. If the email and orcid are in place, the system will show a popup with the following suggestions:

      • login via ORCID
      • send  a feedback message to the administrator

2) anonymous users:

the system will show a button to send an email to the administrator if there isn’t email and orcid on the Researcher Profile otherwise the system will show a popup with the follow suggestions: