Sprint 2: July 9-20, 2018

Sprint Schedule

Sprint Goals

(NOTE: Sprint Goals will be coming soon. Obviously, the primary goal is to create Sprint tasks for both the new Angular UI and REST API that can be claimed by our sprint participants.)

The below goals have been copied from DSpace 7 Community Sprint 1 (as a few may be carried over into this second sprint)

  1. Alphabetic jump to (specific letter) in results listing
    1. E.g. Jump to a Title / Author starting with a specific letter or string, like http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/browse?type=title
  2. Build out Administrative Search/Browse tools (each of these tools is limited to Site Administrators)
    1. Find Item by Internal Item ID/Item Handle  (e.g. XMLUI: http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/item , JSPUI: http://demo.dspace.org/jspui/tools/edit-item)
    2. Administrative Search feature, which allows for faceted searching & browsing of "hidden" items.  This feature would replace the following two Administrative Browse use cases (by providing a way to filter items by withdrawn status and/or private status)
      1. Browse Withdrawn Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/withdrawn , JSPUI: http://demo.dspace.org/jspui/dspace-admin/withdrawn)
      2. Browse Private Items (by Title) (e.g. XMLUI: http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/private , JSPUI: http://demo.dspace.org/jspui/dspace-admin/privateitems)
  3. Administrative Edit Item form
    1. Build a simple edit item form that mirrors the existing XMLUI and JSPUI edit item pages (e.g. XMLUI: http://demo.dspace.org/xmlui/admin/item, JSPUI: http://demo.dspace.org/jspui/tools/edit-item)
      1. This form should allow Administrators to add/update/delete any metadata field values for this item.
      2. This form should allow Administrators to withdrawn/reinstantiate the item
      3. This form should allow Administrators to make the item discoverable/private
      4. This form should allow Administrators to add/update/delete bitstreams attached to the item.
      5. This form should allow Administrators to delete an item
  4. Improve developer documentation / getting up-to-speed documentation.

Sprint Tickets (coming soon)

Angular UI tickets

All Angular UI tickets are managed in GitHub Issues (under the DSpace/dspace-angular project). You will need developer access to claim individual GitHub tickets (contact Tim Donohue or Art Lowel (Atmire))

There are two ways to view the available tickets – either in GitHub directly, or via our dspace-angular Waffle Board.  Both views point at the same tickets, so changes in one are reflected elsewhere.

REST API tickets

All REST API tickets are managed in DuraSpace JIRA (as the REST API is being developed on the current "master" branch of the DSpace codebase). You will need developer access to claim individual JIRA tickets (contact Tim Donohue)

JIRA tickets (All "REST API v7" tickets with the "community-sprint2" and "ready" label)


Additional, unassigned REST API v7 tickets can be found in JIRA.  However, we recommend selecting a ticket with the "community-sprint2" label.