Archived / Obsolete Documentation

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  • dspace-source/build/dspace-oai.war
  • http://_web-address-to-my-dspace_/dspace-oai
    (OAI-PMH base URL)


  1. Whenever you rebuild DSpace (see Rebuild DSpace ), the OAI-PMH ( interface is automatically rebuilt into the dspace-oai.war. In order to enable the OAI-PMH interface, you just need to copy this dspace-oai.war file into your Tomcat/webapps/ directory. (It likely will already be there if you followed the installation directions completely).
  2. If you've never used OAI-PMH before, there is a Beginner's Tutorial from the Open Archives Forum available at:
  3. Here's a few basic OAI-PMH "verbs" (i.e. commands) you may wish to familiarize yourself with (all example DSpace URLs should be on a single line):
    • Identify - used to retrieve information about a repository:
    • ListMetadataFormats - lists metadata formats supported for OAI-PMH:
    • ListRecords - permits metadata harvesting of all or a selection of items:
    • ListSets - lists the "sets" (i.e. DSpace Collections) available in a repository:
  4. You may wish to register your Base URL (see Files list above) in the following locations, so that others may harvest your metadata and link back to your site:

There's also a web interface available for browsing repositories via OAI-PMH (a hosted OAI client) called OAI Repository Explorer: