Archived / Obsolete Documentation

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Meeting Summary

  • Each institution provided a summary of their interest in IIIF and future plans for IIIF. 
    • Where is the original image hosted (in DSpace, in the IIIF server, elsewhere)?
    • How is the IIIF manifest generated?
  • 4Science provided a demonstration of the IIIF viewer that they have developed.
  • Discussion of using viewer solutions for video

Resources Shared

Next Steps

4Science will share a link describing the road-map for their IIIF viewer.  There may be an opportunity for institutions to try out the application and provide feedback.

Notes after the meeting

The link to the roadmap for the IIIF viewer is: (scroll down for the new features section). 4Science would love to work together with interested institutions to improve the viewer and add useful features to be released to the community. 

  • No labels


  1. My notes from the meeting were incomplete.  Please correct/annotate as needed.

    The links shared via Zoom chat became inaccessible after the meeting.  If you still have them, please re-share.

  2. The link to the roadmap for the IIIF viewer is: (scroll down for the new features section). 4Science would love to work together with interested institutions to improve the viewer and add useful features to be released to the community.