Unreleased Documentation

This documentation is unreleased and still in development. It may describe features which are not yet released in DSpace.
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For some installations of DSpace, it might be helpful to have a URL you can configure as a healthcheck for some sort of monitoring system (Monit, Eye). Some installations use load balancers, and those load balancers need a URL to check to confirm the system is functioning correctly. Here are some suggestions for you to use.



Be sure to append that path to the main URL of your DSpace instance's frontend URL. For example: https://demo7.dspace.org/home




Be sure to append these paths to the main URL of your DSpace instance's backend URL. For example: https://api7.dspace.org/server/api/core/collections

Both of those endpoints will throw an error if Solr is down or similar, and both are anonymously available (no login required). 

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