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Exports one or more objects from the repository.


fedora-export [host:port] 
              [pid | ftyps]


  • host:port - the repository's hostname and the port separated by colon
  • user - the Fedora user (e.g. fedoraAdmin)
  • password - the Fedora user's password
  • pid | ftyps - Either the identifier (PID) of the object to export from the repository OR the types of objects to export (FTYPS). FTYPS can be any combination of the characters O, D, and M, specifying which Fedora object type(s) should be exported. O=regular data objects, D=behavior definitions, M=behavior mechanisms.
  • format - The XML format to export. Valid options are: info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.1 (for FOXML 1.1), info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.0 (for FOXML 1.0), info:fedora/fedora-system:METSFedoraExt-1.1 (for METS), info:fedora/fedora-system:ATOM-1.0 (for ATOM), or default.
  • econtext - The export context (which indicates what use case the output should be prepared for. Valid options are: public, migrate, archive, or default.
  • path - the export directory
  • protocol - how to connect to repository, either http or https
  • context - an optional parameter indicating the webapp context. This is only necessary if the Fedora server was installed under a context name other than 'fedora' (see Alternative Webapp Context Configuration).


Export demo:1 for migration in FOXML 1.1 format (from to the current directory).

fedora-export fedoraAdmin fedoraAdmin demo:1 info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.1 migrate . http

Export all objects in the default export format and context (from to directory /tmp/fedoradump).

fedora-export fedoraAdmin fedoraAdmin DMO default default /tmp/fedoradump http
  • No labels


  1. Hi, I am getting the following errors while trying to export. Any idea what they might be:

    ./ hostname:443 username password C DMO info:fedora/fedora-system:FOXML-1.1 migrate /opt/fcrepo/export_fedora3 https fedora

    Error : PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


    And I am giving the correct credentials. Tried this in java 1.6 and java 1.8. But same error.
  2. Oh, Its a certification related error.

    I have added cer file of the host in the keystore. And I still get the error, then I have removed the truststore argument. It worked and I am able to expot objects...:D