Old Release

This documentation covers an old version of Fedora. Looking for another version? See all documentation.

Profile for testing the update of Glossary and Glossary in a repository.

(star) Indicates a timed section.

  1. List 1,000 containers from the repository.
  2. Repeat for each container in random order:
    1. Replace the binary for that container with new randomly-generated data of the same size. (star)

Benchtool Command

Fedora 3:

java -Drandom.impl=java.util.Random -cp benchtool/target/bench-tool-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.fcrepo.bench.BenchToolFC3 http://lib-devsandbox1.ucsd.edu:8080/fedora fedoraAdmin fedoraAdmin 1000 52428800 update

Fedora 4:

java -Drandom.impl=java.util.Random -cp benchtool/target/bench-tool-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.fcrepo.bench.BenchToolFC4 http://lib-devsandbox1.ucsd.edu:8080 1000 52428800 1 update
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