Current Release

This documentation covers the current version of Fedora. Looking for another version? See all documentation.

The Fedora API introduced the idea of a State Token and how it might differ from an Entity Tag (eTag).

In practice Fedora provides Weak Entity Tags as they will change depending on the triples included/excluded and the serialization of RDF, whereas the X-State-Token will not change.

See the below examples of eTags and X-State-Tokens for actions on a single Basic Container

POST the parentW/"63308D06722679297E2D72CFC2A5AD75"D5314A1458B9FE4EBA294E7A0D195269
GET the parentW/"63308D06722679297E2D72CFC2A5AD75"D5314A1458B9FE4EBA294E7A0D195269Accept: text/turtle
POST 1 child to the parent and GETW/"EE74DED5B083D2F9F9F35E3F48650D84"D5314A1458B9FE4EBA294E7A0D195269Accept: text/turtle
POST 20 children to the parent and GETW/"433BFD1C8F1D60EBC9E98BB16A4216F7"D5314A1458B9FE4EBA294E7A0D195269Accept: text/turtle
PATCH the parent to add a title and GETW/"DB8AF55FD9560A2B8D4723E0EA1284C0"839BE7D03AFA55707C9B44063489CCEBAccept: text/turtle
GET with different serializationW/"88B0A0A85859B4D665B4BC78616E1254"839BE7D03AFA55707C9B44063489CCEBAccept: text/n3

The X-State-Token will not change based on serialization (via Accept header) or RDF triple inclusion/exclusion (via Prefer: return=representation).

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