Old Release

This documentation covers an old version of Fedora. Looking for another version? See all documentation.


Resources IDs must conform to a number of constraints. Resources IDs are made up of parts separated by '/' characters. For example, the resource ID "foo/bar" is made up of two parts "foo" and "bar". The following restrictions apply to resource ID parts:

  1. Must not be empty
  2. Must not equal:
    1.  .
    2. ..
    3. fcr-root
    4. .fcrepo
    5. fcr-container.nt
    6. fcr:acl
    7. fcr:fixity
    8. fcr:metadata
    9. fcr:tomstone
    10. fcr:versions
  3. Must not end with:
    1. ~fcr-desc
    2. ~fcr-acl
    3. ~fcr-desc.nt
    4. ~fcr-acl.nt


Resource IDs are translated to paths on disk when they are persisted in OCFL. The goal is for these paths to be as transparent as possible, however a minimal translation is applied to ensure that the paths are safe on filesystem. The specifics of the translation depend on the operating system.


The following characters are percent-encoded:

  1. ASCII character codes: x0-x1f
  2. ASCII character codes: x7f-xa0
  3. The space character


The following characters are percent-encoded:

  1. ASCII character codes: x0-x1f
  2. ASCII character codes: x7f-xa0
  3. Symbols: <>:"\|?*
  4. The space character
  • No labels