


  1. Meta analysis of sprint process
  2. Summarize final state
  3. Walk through in-process and unstarted tickets
  4. Teeing up for next sprint



  • Mohamed
    • Sprint went pretty well, the process was different from local process
    • Found the daily standups useful for getting info from other people
    • The RDF type duplicates ticket was very helpful for getting familiar with the code, since it involved several layers of the code.
    • Testing tickets didn't help in that way, but were very useful for getting into the testing framework.
  • Longshou
    • Everything went fine.
  • David
    • Our standups sometimes drag on, and we get into the weeds talking about issues
      • Would be much better to identify who can help someone with a problem and let the standup move on.
      • Not such a problem for a small number of developers, but would be a bigger problem with more developers on a sprint.
    • We sometimes have a lot of active tickets, with one developer working several tickets.
      • This sometimes happens when you start a new ticket and get a finished ticket reopened, or for inter-related tickets.
      • But it makes it riskier that multiple tickets will be left open at the end of the sprint, and prevents other developers from being able to grab tickets.
      • So it's good to keep an eye on this and try to get tickets finished.
  • Esme 
    • I enjoyed this sprint, and it was my first time doing significant work on Modeshape, reporting several bugs, opening tickets and PRs.  I was pleased by how responsive and engaged they were, and am confident that our issues will be resolved.
    • Though I'm not clear on their release timeframe, so some of my work is waiting on that.



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