
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


  1. Danny Bernstein 
  2. David Wilcox (star) 
  3. Jared Whiklo 
  4. Peter Winckles 
  5. Daniel Lamb  
  6. Ben Pennell
  7. Calvin Xu 
  8. Michael Ritter 
  9. Demian Katz 


  1. Announcements
    1. F6 Release party tomorrow
      1. Register here: https://lyrasis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lc-6qrTIpGNwVwN76afJwpnzmMTz91ebW
  2. Review of  Work in Progress
    1. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo/pull/1930 :  Keep tx alive while indexing
    2. https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-upgrade-utils/pull/42: write directly to s3
    3. https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-upgrade-utils/pull/43: support resume
    4. https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-upgrade-utils/pull/44: don't migrate resources that have already been migrated
  3. Camel Tool Box
    1. Where's the work? https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-camel-toolbox/tree/remove-osgi
    2. What's done now
    3. What remains to be done
      1. Solr upgrade
      2. Dockerization / Compose 
      3. microservices still needing to be upgraded:
        1. fcrepo-audit-triplestore
        2. fcrepo-fixity
        3. fcrepo-indexing-triplestore
        4. fcrepo-serialization
      4. Integration tests for the spring app
      5. Documentation
      6. Cleanup
    4. How to get it done
  4. Priorities for Sept/Oct
  5. Your topic


  1. In Review

    type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  2. Please squash a bug!

    key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  3. Tickets resolved this week:

    key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  4. Tickets created this week:

    key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


  1. Announcements
    1. Release party
      1. Taking place tomorrow at 2pm ET
    2. Info gathering sessions starting next month
  2. Review of  Work in Progress
    1. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo/pull/1930 :  Keep tx alive while indexing
      1. This is done from Peter's perspective
    2. https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-upgrade-utils/pull/42: write directly to s3
      1. Danny will review
    3. https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-upgrade-utils/pull/43: support resume
      1. Danny will review
    4. https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/fcrepo-upgrade-utils/pull/44: don't migrate resources that have already been migrated
      1. Danny will review
  3. Camel Toolbox
    1. Danny has upgraded the models to Camel 3.9 and Java 11
    2. New module called fcrepo-camel-toolbox-app
    3. Properties are exposed as system properties like Fedora
    4. Need to upgrade to the latest version of Solr
    5. Demian will write up a use case for the functionality his institution is looking for in order to coordinate Camel work
    6. Calvin will test Solr functionality to display items in Blacklight
      1. Currently using Solr 8


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