
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**

(star) - denotes note taker


  1. Announcements:
    1. Upcoming planning for Hyrax/Valkyrie/Fedora 6 work
    2. Tech team/committer profiles for upcoming newsletter
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. OAI-PMH questions from Dan Field 
  3. Updates on:

    1. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 
      1. FCREPO-3881 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      2. FCREPO-3882 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      3. FCREPO-3883 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      4. FCREPO-3851 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      5. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo/issues/2040
      6. FCREPO-3884 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

      1. FCREPO-3887 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      2. FCREPO-3886 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    3. In Review:

      1. FCREPO-3892 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      2. FCREPO-3891 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      3. FCREPO-3878 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      4. FCREPO-3850 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      5. FCREPO-3849 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      6. FCREPO-3358 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      7. FCREPO-3834 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      8. FCREPO-3802 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  4. New tickets:

  5. Backlog Tickets to consider working: NA at present
  6. Next Meeting Chair:
    1. Chair: Doron Shalvi
    2. Note Taker: Dan Field
    3. See Rotating Schedule here 



  1. Upcoming planning for Hyrax/Valkyrie/Fedora 6 work
    Arran Griffith gave on overview for planned work regarding Fedora 6 support in this stack:
    Roadmap Milestone 2: Getting Fedora 6 working with Valkyrie and Hyrax
  2. Tech team/committer profiles for upcoming newsletter
    Open for all, that participate in the Tech Meetings and/or contribute to Fedora 6

Pop-up/Other Topics:

  1. OAI-PMH questions from Dan Field
    DublinCore is required by OAI-PMH
    Current proposal: use a transform (similar to the one used to index data in Solr) to create DC from existing properties in Fedora 6
    Proposal will be posted to Slack Channels with request for comment
  2. Calvin Xu:  rebuilding of indices on first Fedora 6 startup can take several hours, question: can performance be improved?
    indexing/rebuilding is single-threaded

Updates on:

  1. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 
    1. FCREPO-3881 - Getting issue details... STATUS FCREPO-3882 - Getting issue details... STATUS FCREPO-3883 - Getting issue details... STATUS will all be discussed with governance
    2. FCREPO-3851 - Getting issue details... STATUS resolved with 6.2.1 → ticket now closed
    3. https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo/issues/2040 no update since last week, some security considerations, but these don't seem to critical → Jared Whiklo will create a Jira ticket to tackle it
    4. FCREPO-3884 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dan Field will consolidate the epic and existing tickets into just 1
  2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

    1. FCREPO-3887 - Getting issue details... STATUS FCREPO-3886 - Getting issue details... STATUS both related to OAI-PMH; once initial implementation is ready, Arran Griffith will request feedback
  3. In Review:

    1. FCREPO-3892 - Getting issue details... STATUS Should be resolved, class was actually missing in Fedora 6 WAR-file
    2. FCREPO-3891 - Getting issue details... STATUS No updates, analysis ongoing
    3. FCREPO-3878 - Getting issue details... STATUS Good to merge
    4. FCREPO-3850 - Getting issue details... STATUS FCREPO-3849 - Getting issue details... STATUS Thomas Bernhart will do a review tomorrow
    5. FCREPO-3358 - Getting issue details... STATUS PR still open, in case anyone else would like to test it
    6. FCREPO-3834 - Getting issue details... STATUS Still an issue with docker-compose setup, otherwise it works
    7. FCREPO-3802 - Getting issue details... STATUS Brief description added by Jared Whiklo 
  4. Thomas Bernhart: Plan new point release of fcrepo-camel-toolbox (last release is 2 years old)

Next Meeting Chair:

  1. Chair: Doron Shalvi
  2. Note Taker: Dan Field
  3. See Rotating Schedule here 

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