
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**

(star) - denotes note taker


  1. Announcements:
    1. Hyrax/Fedora Working Group announced - https://samvera.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/samvera/pages/2208333826/Hyrax+Fedora+6+Working+Group
    2. Conferences this fall:
      1. iPres
      2. Samvera Connect
      3. DLF
    3. Registration for Virtual Fedora Showcase is open - https://www.lyrasis.org/Pages/ShoppingCart.aspx?register=62192B02-9D25-EE11-8107-00155D0A2732
      1. Agenda is here: 2023 Virtual Fedora Showcase
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. Fedora not starting correctly on reboot due to MySQL not being fully ready when Tomcat starts
    2. Still holding on HTML Facelift
    3. OCFL v2.0 Listening Sessions taking place monthly during the regular Community Meetings
      1. Next one will be Sept 13 @ 12pm Eastern during the Virtual Fedora Showcase, but we've held a space for people to attend
  3. Updates on:

    1. Tombstone Tickets discussion - Mike
      1. Related Tickets:
        1. FCREPO-3894 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        2. FCREPO-3883 - Getting issue details... STATUS
        3. FCREPO-3881 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    2. Performance Testing - Dan
    3. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 
      1. FCREPO-3902 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      2. FCREPO-3901 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      3. FCREPO-3897 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      4. FCREPO-3882 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    4.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

    5. FCREPO-3875 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    6. In Review:

      1. Docker Tickets - Thomas
      2. FCREPO-3850 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      3. FCREPO-3849 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  4. New tickets:

  5. Backlog Tickets to consider working: NA at present
  6. Next Meeting Chair:
    1. Chair: 
    2. Note Taker: 

See Rotating Schedule here 


  1. Announcements:
    1. Hyrax / F6 working group announced.  People like an integration of Hyrax, F6 and Valkyrie shortly.  Call for participation in Samvera Working Group now open.  We need to remain involved.  A separate follow-up working group will handle implementation.
    2. Upcoming meetings
      1. Arran giving workshop in Sept. in iPres
      2. Fedora presenting twice in Samvera Connect, and once at DLF.
    3. Registration for Fedora Virtual Showcase is still open.  50 people already registered, room for more.  Agenda is up.
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. Demian - F6 doesn't start automatically after server reboot.  Likely due to co-located MySQL not finished starting before Fedora.  Dan noticed similar behavior with PostgreSQL.  The group agrees it is worthwhile to add functionality for Fedora to retry a few times to connect to the database, waiting a bit in between each time, before completely exiting with error.  A ticket will be created: FCREPO-3903 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    2. HTML face-lift.  Discussed in Governance.  A small working group is formed, will poll community.
    3. OCFL v2.0 Listening Sessions
      1. Scheduled for 1 hour on Sep 13 during Fedora showcase meetings
      2. What would people like to see?  What adaptations?  Large files?  Backwards compatibility?  Come with your questions.
    4. Migration Updates:
      1. NLM - Just finished migrating items to fedora 6. Setting up camel toolbox, audit service.
  3. Updates on:

    1. Tombstone Tickets discussion
      1. No updates
    2. Performance Testing - Dan
      1. Looking at Prometheus, Grafana endpoints
      2. Dan building updated testing profiles
      3. People wanted more updated generalized testing measures for the community
    3. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 
      1. FCREPO-3902 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Mike.  Need to update 3→6 migration docs
      2. FCREPO-3901 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Dan.  No update
      3. FCREPO-3897 - Getting issue details... STATUS - new/existing ArchiveGroup in HTML UI - no update
      4. FCREPO-3882 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Dan - should be doable with Fedora the way it is.  Has to do with reading, not writing
    4.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

    5. FCREPO-3875 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Mike waiting for tombstone stuff to be finished, to finalize this doc

    6. In Review:

      1. Docker Tickets - Thomas not here, still in review
      2. FCREPO-3850 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      3. FCREPO-3849 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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