Deprecated. This material represents early efforts and may be of interest to historians. It doe not describe current VIVO efforts.

SPARQL: Tools, Tips, Sample queries

This page is just starting out and we hope can become a resource for useful snippets of information shared among members of the community.

Note that we have a Tools page in Sourceforge that lists more substantial contributions and extensions to VIVO.

Useful SPARQL queries

A little old but useful: SPARQL Queries for Data Management

finding instances having only a single rdf:type assertion

  1. This example query looks for individuals that have
  2. ONLY a vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent type assertion
  3. Tested by substituting vivo:Address and looking at 1 of the results

?s rdf:type vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent .
GRAPH <> {
?s rdf:type vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent .
?s rdf:type ?type .
FILTER (?type != vivoc:AcademicDegreeGrantingAgent )
FILTER (!bound(?type))

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