*Deprecated* See https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/VIVODOC/All+Documentation for current documentation

A description of each tool and how to use it.

Creating a custom theme

Create your own "brand" for VIVO. Change colors, logo, headings, footers, and more.

Annotations on the ontology

Use the interactive editing screens to change the appearance of properties, classes, property groups and class groups.

Home page customizations

Adjust the dynamic sections on the home page, including the class group displays and the geographic focus map.

Page management

Change the content of VIVO's managed pages, or create new ones, without changing any files or restarting VIVO.

Class-specific templates for profile pages

Create profile templates for specific classes, such as Organization, Faculty Member, or Grant.

Multiple profile types for foaf:Person

Provide multiple styles for profile pages, and let your users choose which style they prefer for their own profile.

Enriching profile pages using SPARQL query DataGetters

Write SPARQL queries to provide additional information to profile pages, depending on the class of the individual.

Enhancing Freemarker templates with DataGetters

Write SPARQL queries to add information to any Freemarker template.

Custom List View Configurations

On a profile page, expand the data that is displayed for object and data properties.

Creating short views of individuals

Short views of individuals appear in search results, on index pages, and in browse pages. But should the short view of an Academic Department contain the same information as the short view of a Faculty Member?

Creating custom entry forms

A custom form allows your users to edit complex data structures on a single page, instead of editing one triple at a time.

Using OpenSocial Gadgets

Create JavaScript-based gadgets to display on VIVO pages, or use existing gadgets from the ORNG library.

Excluding Classes from the Search

VIVO support for languages other than English

To a large extent, VIVO supports Spanish-language installations. Support for other languages is not difficult to implement.

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