Blog from October, 2008

Bill and I are leaving Boston today after a good set of meetings with the DSpace folks.  I'll be hitting the road shortly, but I wanted to get some thoughts out on what we're calling "The Ladder" for lack of a better term.

The concept of the ladder is this: Assuming we have Akubra, what are the next "rungs" of agreement in a shared persistence model?  We played with the idea of different levels, starting with the purely structural, and moving carefully up into semantics.

At Level 0, you have Blobs with Ids. This is Akubra.
At Level 1, Relationships
At Level 2, Aggregation
At Level 3, Metadata/Semantics

I should point out that this ordering was a result of brainstorming, and we did not attempt to flesh out the details for each level.  But it gave us a sort of strawman to frame the discussion.

Here's my first attempt at refinement after sleeping on it.  Two key goals:

  1. It is possible to persist everything in Level N + 1 into N.  If this is done, rebuilding everything from level 0 is possible.
  2. Though RDF might not be presumed, it is possible to represent each level in RDF (minus blob content)

Level 0

Blobs with Ids and readonly properties (size, minimal others).

Level 1

Entities with readonly + writable relationships and properties.

Entities optionally have content (represent bitstreams aka Blobs).

Level 2

Entities with everthing in level 1, plus key inferred (read-only) relationships.  A big requirement here is to support two-way links for whole-part relations.  Might also include transitive relationships.

It's possible to infer such relationships from what's expressed in level 1 and a set of inference rules.

Level 3

Higher-order repository domain objects.  The concept of a metadata entity relating to content entity would be represented here.

Week of 2008-09-29
  • We decided during our status meeting that we'd shoot for Oct 15th-17th timeframe for the 2.2.4/3.1 releases; Bill and I will be in Cambridge meeting with DSpace folks much of this week.
  • I gave an update on Akubra Analysis of Existing Approaches at the architecture meeting.
  • I moved the Akubra project infrastructure (wiki, svn, tracking, mailing lists) to Fedora Commons. This is the first project that will use our locally-managed Subversion installation. It's also the first to use Google Groups for the mailing lists (rather than
  • Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to review outstanding branches by Bill and Eddie...hopefully I'll be able to do that on and off while in Cambridge this week.
What's a Spanning Layer?

Just wanted to share this paper, in which the term "spanning layer" was coined.

Interoperation, Open Interfaces, and Protocol Architecture - David D. Clark

Interesting stuff.