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Draft notes in Google-Doc

  1. Opportunities for consistency between DuraSpace projects
    1. Effective practices

    2. Better integration

      1. Community

    3. Minor example: shared coding style-guide

      1. Is there a style guide for VIVO? Should we make one?

      2. Github documentation on adding guidelines for contributors:

      3. Maven plugin maybe? Other options for non-Java?

  1. VIVO Conference: Proposal suggestions? Community goals? Do you want VIVO as an official part of your job? Updates on "micro-sprint" - reflection on process

    1. Ralph - working on Tenderfoot - will create a JIRA ticket (there is already a general ticket for working on tenderfoot here, VIVO-114)

    2. Bootstrap Dev workshop (half or full day) -

    3. Don - using Fedora as a store for VIVO assets

      1. Define a Workflow

    4. Andrew

      1. Need buy in from the institutions

        1. Conversations with the management of the institutions?

      2. Or do we need in house?

        1. Ralph - Would like to have some time of dev at DuraSpace to help move things forward.

        2. Jim - someone that makes it easier to contribute code

        3. Solr/Elastic Plug-In

          1. Need documentation

          2. For Solr already in place


  2. Process
    1. create a JIRA

    2. fork

    3. create a branch

    4. make a minor PR

    5. review other's PRs and approve/request-changes

  3. New tickets

    1. VIVO-1409 - Support serialization options in Jena2tools and jena3tools In Progress


    2. VIVO-1437 - Add GitHub Pull-Request Template Resolved



    3. VIVO-1438 - Some text on Forms are made of different strings associated following english syntax Resolved


    4. VIVO-1439 - Add command line help option to jena2tools and jena3tools Open

    5. VIVO-1440 - Add a class to assert ORCiD Open

    6. VIVO-1441 - ORCID Integration ignores webappBaseUrl when passing callback Open

    7. VIVO-1442 - Add Travis-CI Open

  4. Community development priorities

    1. 1.10 Release

    2. Ontology discussions?

      1. Ontology Change management task force (Javed, …..)

    3. Alignment with other interest groups?

    4. Elasticsearch discussion

      1. Examples:



      4. Jim’s work to modularize search engine:

    5. TODO: Add your comments on priorities (in the development priorities document or otherwise) in the priorities document linked above as #5

  5. Integration testing Other community work to bring to next week's meeting?

    1. To be discussed on slack

Action items

    •  ...

Recent JIRA Tickets
