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Mark Diggory began a discussion on developer practices with a tutorial on Git and Github and how they relate to DSpace. Mark referred to the ThinkupApp's "Contributor Workflow", which closely mirrors the suggested DSpace Git workflow. He used a prezi version of the diagram, for walk-through purposes.

Tim Donohue has formulated compelling improvements to the current DSpace JIRA Workflow.  In short, the current JIRA statuses (Open, Received, In Progress) do not clearly reflect what a JIRA ticket is "waiting for" exactly. Therefor, following improvements are proposed:

  • Only use "Received" for newly arriving tickets, instead of both Received and Open
  • Introduce a "Needs More Details" status for those bugs or feature requests that are too vague for a developer to jump on and resolve
  • Introduce a "Needs Volunteer" status for bugs or feature requests that have enough information and just wait to be implemented
  • In progress would then be used as the status where both enough information is present and a volunteer is actively working on it.
  • Instead of having both Closed and Resolved, just use one status, Closed.

In the discussion that followed it was debated whether there should be a DCAT specific status to indicate that DCAT is taking on specific issues, especially in the "Needs more details" and "Needs volunteer" statuses. I don't think there was a unanimous opinion here so just noting that I personally think the fewer different statuses, the better and DCAT can show its activity in the comment logs within particular tickets. Activity on tickets will put them higher on the list of "last changed" tickets which will get them more attention anyway.

Richard Rodgers Summary and "Blue Sky" Discussion
