Versions Compared


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These calls now use WebEx and have no limit on the number of attendees – see the "Call-in Information" at the bottom of this page.


  • Brown – 
  • Colorado – 
  • Cornell –  
  • Duke – 
  • Florida – 
  • Indiana – 
  • Johns Hopkins – – We're unable to hop on the call today (we have Epic EMR going live at many campuses) but could use a little guidance. 
    • We keep bumping into issues with harvesting PubMed data through Harvester. We've broken up the data into smaller chunks and have successfully(ish) completed an update. The problem is that we now have duplicate articles, authors, etc. (see screenshot)
      • What are we missing?
    • What recommendations do you have for the frequency of updates? Should we consider less frequent updates (semi-annual? annual?) for older publications?
    • Why does it take nearly twice as long to run an update through Harvester? Our first pass through took about 16 hours. The second, over 20. 
  • Memorial University – 
  • NYU – 
  • Scripps – 
  • Stony Brook – 
  • UCLA – 
  • UCSF – 
  • WashU – 
  • Weill Cornell – 

Upcoming events

2013 Implementation Fest – April 25-26 at CU Boulder

  • community hands-on development day is planned as an optional additional activity on Saturday the 27th, e.g. working on internationalization
    • We have interest from Costa Rica, Mexico, and France in principle – there's one room choice option that has H.323 videoconferencing
  • 2013 VIVO Implementation Fest page has information on transportation and hotels
  • Registration page – note that there is no registration fee for the workshop
  • A DRAFT schedule is available for preview on (including for mobile view) and as a Google Doc

Security issue 

Arve Solland of Griffith University points out a security issue via an email to VIVO developers at Cornell. The issue affects release 1.5.1. The fix will be easy to develop, but how should we distribute it? What level of publicity/documentation is appropriate?

Notable implementation and development list traffic

Still open:
  • Adding a field to the Solr Index (Gawri)
    • I need some help regarding solr index build. I added a new field called "APPROVED_RECORD" into schema.xml . Also I added following code lines into addObjectPropertyText() function in file.
  • Conditional validation (Tom) 
    • I was wondering if there was a way to change which validation is run based on the submitting button on an EditConfigurationGenerator form?
    • I basically have the situation where I've used a custom BaseEditSubmissionPreprocessorVTwo to allow the user to submit the edit and go forward to the created/linked object or backward to the subject. This is working fine, but the cancel link on the form calls the PostEditCleanupController directly, which doesn't call the preprocessor to set the correct entity URI to redirect to. One solution to this is to move the cancel link to a cancel button, but this, predictably, causes the FieldVTwo validation to fail.
    • The other solution is to work out how to forcibly invoke the preprocessor, but this seems as though it would be a much bigger issue, so conditional validation seems the easier way to achieve the same effect.


Under the hood -- indexing and ranking in Facebook's graph search

Call-in Information

Topic: VIVO weekly call

Date: Every Thursday, no end date

Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 641 825 891

To join the online meeting

Go to

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Click "Join".

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

If those links don't work, please visit the Cornell meeting page and look for a VIVO meeting.

To join the audio conference only

To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.

Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-855-244-8681

Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3207

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Toll-free dialing restrictions:

Access code:645 873 290

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