Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break!  It's a time for family, good cheer, for reflecting on the year past, and the year to come.

2018 was an important year for VIVO.  Many wonderful things happened as project participation grew and the idea of an open source system for representing scholarship grew around the world.  The project is very strong and provides a vibrant, open approach to providing critical information needed to improve the practice of research and scholarship.  We are producing an annual report (our first!) Expect to hear more in the weeks ahead.

Over the break we tweaked the wiki a bit.  Hopefully things are a bit cleaner and a bit clearer.  Colors were simplified, pages simplified, the calendar improved, some navigation improved, some obsolete material archived, and some pages improved.  We try to have a light touch in such changes so that people can find things, we also need to make sure that current material is easiest to find.  The SPARQL Resources were significantly improved – all examples now run correctly in current versions of VIVO and additional examples and references have been added.  If ever you find obsolete material in the VIVO wiki, please feel free to update it.  You'll need a Duraspace account which you can request from sysadmin@durasapce.org 

We'll share some thoughts about the project and 2019 here next year.  Our Product Direction for 2019 provides an overview of where the software is headed in the coming year.

Books for VIVO  Each month we suggest a book for your VIVO library.  This month's book is by Barend Mons, of the Leiden University Medical Center, GoFAIR, and CoData.  Professor Mons has written a book for all data practitioners interested in the FAIR data principles.  The book uses hundreds of questions to challenge practitioners in thinking through how to make their data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.  All those engaged in the production, curation, and sharing of data from scientific work will appreciate the insights here.  As one involved in these process for my entire career, I can say that this book would have been a tremendous help along the way and asks many of the questions we asked each other as we tried to create and share data.  The lessons here are not limited to scientific data.  VIVO is involved in the collection and sharing of data (some call metadata) regarding the work of scholarship.  VIVO practitioners, and groups tasked with creating and advancing VIVO implementations would undoubtedly benefit from discussing the issues raised here.

Mons, Barend 2018. Data Stewardship for Open Science: Implementing FAIR Principles 1st Edition ISBN 978-1498753173. 244 pages.

Open Repositories  will be held in Hamburg Germany, June 10-13, 2019.  The call for proposals is open here https://or2019.blogs.uni-hamburg.de/cfp/  While primarily focused on data and publication repositories, VIVO as a metadata repository, and as a front-end to repositories such as Dspace, Invenio, and Fedora is of interest.  If you are presenting or attending please let us know.  It could be an opportunity for a VIVO meet-up!

Wikidata  Before the holiday break, the developers group hosted a guest presentation by Daniel Mietchen of the University of Virginia and a wikimedian.  You can find his talk here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Scholia/Talks/Wikidata_and_VIVO_in_2018  There is also a video recording.  There is interest in how VIVO and Wikidata might collaborate – how we might provide data to Wikidata and consume data from Wikidata.  Have ideas about this?  Please share on VIVO Slack (http://bit.ly/vivo-slack) or email.

Calls this week  VIVO calls resume this week.  All are welcome!  All times are US eastern time.  Follow the links for call information.



Mike Conlon 
VIVO Project Director