
The Outreach Working Group (WG) oversees development of the ARKs-in-the-Open (AITO) community, as well as the promotion of awareness, understanding, and adoption of ARKs, the only major persistent identifier scheme that is truly open, decentralized, non-siloed, and non-paywalled.


  1. Campaign strategy. Develop a process to gather requirements, priorities and models for shared community and infrastructure management (eg, consider using the ARK community survey draft created by the BnF).

  2. Communications and Marketing. Clearly articulate what ARKs are, how they can be used, and why they are essential (the “value proposition”) and implement a plan for promoting their adoption and use.  Examples include creating an “ARKs brochure” website using the arks.org domain name (similar to doi.org), keeping a world map of ARK assigning organizations updated automatically via geo-locations in the NAAN registry, organizing events such as the 2018 ARK summit, spreading the word in international conferences, etc. 

  3. Counting ARKs. People want to know how many ARKs there are in the world (as ARKs can be assigned without permission from a central assigning authority), and some organizations may opt to let us harvest stats from them about how many ARKs they have assigned. Work with the Technical WG to (a) draft requirements for simple summary counts that ARK assigning organizations can voluntarily post and maintain, (b) specify how those counts, once harvested, should be publicized, and (c) recruit organizations to opt in.



Working Group Members

Initial members:

Meeting Times

Teleconferences are generally held twice a month, 15:00-16:00 UTC, on the second and fourth Thursdays. Connection details included in calendar invitations.

Communication Channels

aito-outreach-wg@googlegroups.com, archived at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/aito-outreach-wg

Agendas and Notes