
The (star) represents who will be taking notes for a given meeting. It rotates after each meeting to the next person in the attendee list.

Meeting Details


Discussion items




DSpace 7 endorsing institutions

Text from Cornell is here, as well as Bram's invitation text: Goal 2: Identify and promote endorsing institutions

Support for NA DSpace UG Meeting September 23 and 24, 2019 at the University of Minnesota: 2019 DSpace North American User Group Meeting



Action items



Start releasing information about milestones as they are met, to show the progress currently being made each week. 

Carol and Heather will will work on content dspace.org homepage display and listing/display of resources on the DSpace 7 page. Will review with this group. Will create a blog post to point to these resources.

Pascal will ask for a short screencast related to Docker

Keep looking for endorsers and considering what the ask is for the campaign – what will they do to respond?
Carol will find out if there should be a DSpace component at the LYRASIS Membership Summit
Carol will explore sending buttons to the user group
Pascal will speak with the Steering/with Erin about writing a blog post highlighting that the MOU is in place
Carol will keep the group informed about the combining of the web presence into LYRASIS