
The Technical Working Group (WG) oversees development and maintenance of specifications, software, and servers that support infrastructure for the ARKs-in-the-Open (AITO) community. Examples include ARK standardization, code for counting ARKs, and global resolver replication.


  1. Standardization. Review the ARK specification so that the authors, who are WG members, can finalize it and submit it to the IETF for publication as an Internet RFC.
  2. NAAN procedures. Adapt current CDL procedures for updating NAANs and registering new NAANs so that these maintenance activities can be shared by the community, eg, on github. (The NAAN registry that CDL currently maintains is a text file of globally unique 5-digit Name Assigning Authority Numbers (NAANs) reserved for organizations that wish to assign ARKs.)

  3. Counting ARKs. Work with the Outreach Working Group to implement mechanisms to measure ARK usage world-wide.



Working Group Members

Meeting Times

Teleconferences are generally held twice a month, 17:00-18:00 UTC, on the first and third Mondays. Connection details included in calendar invitations.

Communication Channels

aito-technical-wg@googlegroups.com, archived at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/aito-technical-wg

Agendas and Notes