Version 1.7.1


DSpace 1.7.1 is a bug fix release to resolve any issues located within DSpace 1.7.0. As it only provides bug-fixes, DSpace 1.7.1 should constitute an easy upgrade from DSpace 1.7.0 for most users. No database changes or additional configuration changes should be necessary when upgrading from DSpace 1.7.0 to 1.7.1.

If you're a developer and would like to help us with the 1.7.1 bug-fixes, please see our Contribution Guidelines for details. Feel free to volunteer for a specific issue in JIRA!

No new features in DSpace 1.7.1

1.7.1 is a bug-fix only release. This means it will include no new features and only includes fixes for bugs which were found in the 1.7.0 release.

Bug Fixes

Major Bug fixes will include:

A full list of all potential fixes that may be in 1.7.1 can be found on the JIRA 1.7.1 Summary. Any issues marked as "Resolved" in JIRA will be released in 1.7.1.

If there's an issue you'd like to see fixed, please volunteer to help us out! Just volunteer or add a patch to one of the issues in JIRA.

NOTE: See below for a list of all bugs currently fixed in the 1.7.1 codebase.


The following fixes have already been made and will be released in 1.7.1. Please note that the below listing is dynamically generated, so it will be changing as we continue to fix bugs up until the 1.7.1 release.

Organizational Details

Release Coordination

Timeline and Proceeding

Release Timeline:

Release Process needs to proceed according to the following Maven release process: Release Procedure