Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern standard time (GMT-5) – convert to your time at

Please add additional agenda items or updates – we always welcome suggestions


VIVO Conference workshop announcement

We invite all interested parties to submit workshop proposals for the Third Annual VIVO Conference in August. Workshops will be taught on Wednesday, August 22 and each will be 3.5 hours long.

We strongly encourage proposals which incorporate a lively presentation style and which use a variety of instructional approaches (e.g. lecture, demonstration, group discussion, brainstorming, hands-on exercises, case studies) and materials (e.g. slides, handouts, code snippets and sample data on the VIVO wiki) throughout the session.
To apply, please submit a one-page document describing the following:

  1. What content will be covered?
  2. Who will likely attend (what is the target audience)?
  3. What is the expected outcome? Objectives?
  4. Your instructional approach and proposed materials for the workshop.

Potential workshop topics:

The deadline to submit a workshop proposal is March 23, at 5:00pm ET. Decisions will be announced via email by Friday, March 30. Accepted workshops may be recorded and all workshops will need to place instructional materials on SourceForge for use by workshop participants. All chosen workshops will receive a portion of the workshop registration fees from their session to compensate them for the time it takes to prepare a high-quality workshop.
We'll select our conference workshops from the pool of submitted proposals. For further details or inquiries, please contact the Program Chair, Simon Porter at Please forward this message to colleagues who may be interested.

Current development issue discussion

Notable Development List Traffic

Implementation Fest planning

Look for upcoming announcement on Dates are May 15 and 16, with an optional Introduction to VIVO session on Monday afternoon, May 14.

Items for next week

please suggest

Call-in Information

1. Please join my meeting.

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (773) 897-3008
Access Code: 322-087-560
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 322-087-560

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