
Brown (Ted)

Colorado (Stephen and Alex)

Cornell (Jon, Jim, Tim, Chris, Brian L) Tim, Jim, and Brian are working on the 1.6 release -- caching, multiple language support, and adapting the code base for the Integrated Semantic Framework ontology.

Duke (Sheri and Richard)

Memorial (Lisa) No major news this week -- continuing to move ahead.

Scripps (Michaeleen) -- Has authorization to ingest a full five-year history of NIH grants (2008 forward). Will investigate the possibility of modifying the ontology to reflect the many NIH award types that can relate to a single master award from NIH -- would like to be able to show all the sub-awards and related awards connected to the primary one.

Stony Brook (Tammy) -- more updates to http://reach.suny.edu and moving forward with VIVO for the full Stony Brook campus, including identifying new data sources and some local ontology extensions. And still moving forward to create the WebId implementation.UF (Nicholas) -- as part of the CTSAconnectproject, was able to load the clinical module into a VIVO and was able to query against that to generate tag clouds and other visualizations that Chris Barnes wrote using the Google visualization API.

Weill Cornell (Eliza and Paul)  -- Developing workflow to automate cleanup of publications and update citation counts -- the last time the query was run against Scopus took 7 hours to get counts from 40,000 publications. Would like to have an update option through the Harvester rather than first deleting and then re-ingesting.

Upcoming Events

VIVO in New York City May 20

VIVO Webinars (all Tuesdays at 11)

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Call-in Information

Date: Every Thursday, no end date

Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 641 825 891

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