This page is the homepage for all yearly DSpace strategic planning activities led by the DSpace Steering Group in conjunction with other Project Teams, including but not limited to: DSpace Committers, DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT), and the DSpace Leadership Group.

2015 Strategic Planning Activities


In 2015, the DSpace Steering Group established an ad hoc "DSpace RoadMap Working Group" (made up of members of Steering, Committers, and DCAT) to develop a 3-5 year Strategic Plan for Technology along with a shorter term (1-2 year) Technical Roadmap detailing how we can immediately improve the software towards achieving our Strategic Plan.  Early drafts of these documents will be presented at the OR2015 conference.

Upcoming Weekly Schedule




2014 Strategic Planning Activities


In 2014, the DSpace project teams concentrated on establishing a formalized Governance model, ran a  "Vision Survey" to gather needs/use cases from the user community, and compiled an early list of Use Cases based on the survey responses. We also began work on an early "Product Plan" which detailed feature/use case priorities based on the survey results. The survey results, an early Product Plan, and the Governance model were all presented at OR2014 in a session titled "The Future of DSpace"

Resulting Documents

2013 Visioning Activities


In 2013, an ad-hoc "Vision Team" began discussions and brainstorms around what the goals and priorities of the DSpace platform should be in the coming years. This resulted in a high-level, five point Vision Document, which was presented at OR2013 and developed into a Vision Survey in late 2013 / early 2014.

Resulting Documents