Date & Time


We will use the international conference call dial-in. Please follow directions below.


DSpace 6 Testathon 

The DSpace testathon is a period of approximately 10 working days following the release of the DSpace 6 Release candidate version.

The DSpace 6 Testathon Testplan Working group has developed an XMLUI Test plan that already achieved a higher level of detail and variety in tests than any test plan used in previous releases.

In this months call, we would like to identify volunteers for each of the identified functional DSpace roles (anonymous user, submitter, administrator, ...). With those people identified, we'd like to check what communication tools and frequency of communication we should use during the testathon itself.

Future of the DSpace User Interface

The UI Working Group is running a DSpace UI Prototype Challenge.

All prototypes have been presented and videos for those presentations have been made available. Anyone is now welcome to review the prototypes and provide an evaluation.

We'll go through the evaluations form together 

Other topics

Preparing for the call

DSpace 6 Testathon

Future of DSpace User Interface

Check the presented videos and the evaluation form.

Meeting notes


Call Attendees