VIVO 1.9.1 is available!  VIVO 1.9.1 has been released and is available here.  Release notes are available here.  VIVO 1.9.1 is a minor maintenance release that addresses several issues:

If you are implementing VIVO for the first time, we recommend you start with 1.9.1.  If you are upgrading to the current version, we recommend you upgrade to 1.9.1.

VIVO 1.10  We continue to gather feedback and contributions of effort for version 1.10, expected in the summer of 2017.  Thanks to all who have participated in discussions regarding the next version of VIVO.  We continue to look for additional help, particularly in the areas of user interface, internationalization, and technical documentation.  See VIVO 1.10.0 Release Planning.

Membership in VIVO  October will mark the formal end of the annual VIVO membership drive.  You may receive one additional solicitation this week.  VIVO had a good year.  We'd like to have a better year.  If your institution is not a member, please consider becoming a member.  Membership supports the work of VIVO, insuring the software, and community move forward.  We can do more with more members.  A current list of the members is here.  Becoming a member is easy – just visit this site, and return the form.  We'll take care of invoicing your institution.  We deeply appreciate the support of our members and we look forward to having your institution join as a member.

Development Meeting this Thursday  The Development Interest Group will meet this Thursday at 1 PM.  The Webex link is here.  All interested in working on VIVO and Vitro code are welcome to attend.  The group organizes sprints to add new features to VIVO, using GitHub pull requests.  If you have Java programming skills, or interest in contributing to the technical documentation of VIVO, please consider joining the call and contributing to the improvement of VIVO and Vitro.  We look forward to meeting you and working with you.



Mike Conlon 
VIVO Project Director