Developers Meeting on Weds, March 14, 2018


NOTE: For those in North America who just entered Daylight Savings time, this meeting is now one hour LATER (4pm-5pm EDT).


Quick Reminders

Friendly reminders of upcoming meetings, discussions etc

Discussion Topics

If you have a topic you'd like to have added to the agenda, please just add it.

  1. DSpace Entities Working Group Updates
    1. Still gathering feedback / opinions at:
    2. On March 7, DSpace Steering discussed how to move this forward, and even whether to potentially do so within DSpace 7 timelines (obviously would require additional developer resources).  
      1. Currently, no clear consensus within Steering of which implementation route (see above Google Doc) would be better.
      2. All seem to agree additional entities (especially "Author") should be on DSpace roadmap. Moving this up on the roadmap would require increased resources
      3. Steering will meet again on March 21 to continue discussions. Timelines for a final decision are unclear as of yet.
  2. (Ongoing Topic) DSpace 7 Status Updates for this week

    1. DSpace 7 Working Group is currently concentrating on building out search, submission, authentication and MyDSpace functionality
    2. DSpace 7 Dev Status spreadsheet:
    3. New Java Code Style Guide (enforced on "master" branch only)
  3. (Ongoing Topic) DSpace 6.x Status Updates for this week

    1. DSpace 6.3 Release Planning has general notes

    2. Currently, we are looking for individual(s) interested in leading / contributing to getting a 6.3 release out the door. Many "usual suspects" are busy with 7.x efforts.
      1. Some discussion that this might be plausible to do via a 1-2 week sprint, but still needs a Sprint Coordinator.
  4. Tickets, Pull Requests or Email threads/discussions requiring more attention? (Please feel free to add any you wish to discuss under this topic)

    1. DSpace 6 performance issues with items containing a lot of bitstreams?

Tabled Topics

These topics are ones we've touched on in the past and likely need to revisit (with other interested parties). If a topic below is of interest to you, say something and we'll promote it to an agenda topic!

  1. Management of database connections for DSpace going forward (7.0 and beyond). What behavior is ideal? Also see notes at DSpace Database Access
    1. In DSpace 5, each "Context" established a new DB connection. Context then committed or aborted the connection after it was done (based on results of that request).  Context could also be shared between methods if a single transaction needed to perform actions across multiple methods.
    2. In DSpace 6, Hibernate manages the DB connection pool.  Each thread grabs a Connection from the pool. This means two Context objects could use the same Connection (if they are in the same thread). In other words, code can no longer assume each new Context() is treated as a new database transaction.
      1. Should we be making use of SessionFactory.openSession() for READ-ONLY Contexts (or any change of Context state) to ensure we are creating a new Connection (and not simply modifying the state of an existing one)?  Currently we always use SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() in HibernateDBConnection, which doesn't guarantee a new connection:

Ticket Summaries

  1. Help us test / code review! These are tickets needing code review/testing and flagged for a future release (ordered by release & priority)

  2. Newly created tickets this week:

  3. Old, unresolved tickets with activity this week:

  4. Tickets resolved this week:

  5. Tickets requiring review. This is the JIRA Backlog of "Received" tickets: 

Meeting Notes

Meeting Transcript